Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in the Game...Sort of.

Been a mad few weeks for me, life has some funny twists and turns thats for sure! There I was stressing out about scraping enough cash together for my Ozzie visa and along came a nice little job, dont have to worry anymore. The waves have died now, warm spring rain is falling and we've taken up fishing instead of surfing. The knee is feeling strong. Im trying to do a solid rehab routine but as usual its harder to stay focused than I imagined. Watching the charts down in the southern hemisphere is keeping me amped, a few new boards on the way thanks to Hammer & Thresher and some summer wetties from Tiki, a new POV cam, and I'll be set for a good trip. I also just found out that Zigzag Surf Magazine have run a piece on me, apparently Aaron Pierce submitted a killer shot. So a big thanks to him and Will at The Zag.
Heres a short vid of a paddle session from winter. Enjoy.